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Seminar Participants:



2014 - 2015 - BIO-PASS ART - 6th Edition of The Biennial of Young Artists, Bucharest

Emilio Mordini

Presentation title:

QUD-EIS. Scares, faces and names at the dawn of Western civilization


Patrick Bours

Presentation title:

Continuous use of biometrics


Daria Parkhomenko

Presentation title:

Brain activity and other bio and behavioural data of viewers to check artist hypothesis and form "science art"


Bogdan Ghiu

Presentation title:

Measurement, Evaluation, Expression, Life: Value, Share, Price. Ontological Plasticity and Existential Design


Călin Dan

Presentation title:

A Matter of Theology


Ion Bogdan Lefter

Presentation title:

The multiplicity of identity: “bio” & all the rest


Laura Grünberg

Presentation title:

Identification and identity crisis in surveillance society


Liviana Dan

Presentation title: The Logic of Life and the Secret Garden


Mihaela Frunză

Presentation title:

Imaginary and identity. A bioethical perspective



Participants short description:



Dr. Emilio Mordini is President of Responsible Technology SAS, a French consultancy devoted to responsible research and innovation. He is a Psychiatrist and Philosopher. He has been formerly trained as a psychoanalyst and taught bioethics in the Medical School of the University "La Sapienza" of Rome (1994-2005). He served as a scientific secretary of the Bioethical Commission of the Italian National Research Council (1996-2004), and as a director of the Centre for Science, Society and Citizenship (2002-2014). Since 1993 Emilio has participated either as a partner or a coordinator to a number of international collaborative projects funded by the European Commission and by the NATO Science for Peace Program.


He is member of the management committee of the COST Action IC1106 Integrating Biometrics and Forensics for the Digital Age, where he chairs the Working Group 6 on ethics and privacy, and member of management committee of the COST Action IC1206 De-identification for privacy protection in multimedia content, where he chairs the Working Group 4 on ethical and societal implications. He also chairs the Technology Area 3 (Ethics, Human Factors, and Society) of the coordination group of the Integrated Mission Group on Security (ISM-G) and the Ethical and Privacy Committee of the European Association of Biometrics. Emilio has extensively published in academic peer reviewed publications, and edited 14 books. His most recent publications includes Second Generation Biometrics: the Ethical and Social Context, Springer-Verlag: Berlin: 2012 (edited with D. Tzovaras) and Internet‐Based Intelligence for Public Health Emergencies and Disease Outbreak, IOS Press, Brussels: 2013.



Patrick Bours has an MSc and a PhD in Discrete Mathematics from Eindhoven University in The Netherlands. He has worked for almost 10 years at the Netherlands National Communication Security Agency as a senior policy member in the area of cryptology. In 2005 he moved to Norway where he started working at the Norwegian Information Security Laboratory (NISlab) which is a part of Gjøvik University College in Gjøvik, Norway. He initially started as a Postdoc in a project regarding authentication in a health service environment, where he started working in the area of biometrics. After 3 years he continued in an Associate Professor position and since September 2012 in a full Professor position. His research interest are in the area of biometrics and authentication in general, but he has specialized in behavioural biometrics. Initially he investigated gait recognition using accelerometer data, but currently he is most active in the area of keystroke dynamics and audio behavioural biometrics. He has done ground breaking research in the area of continuous authentication on computers. His interest in biometrics involves both performance optimization as well as the security related issue of mimicking biometrics.



Founding director and curator of LABORATORIA Art&Science Space (2008) - the first exhibition and research centre in Russia focused on constructing platforms of interdisciplinary interaction between contemporary art and science.
Selected curatorial projects: Ice laboratory, group exhibition (2013), Frontier, group exhibition (2013), International symposium Brainstorms. The Artist in the Context of Neuroscience (2012), Dust, group exhibition (2012), Neuroscientific experiment 1. Measuring the Magic of Mutual Gaze, Marina Abramović (2011), Infusion, group exhibition (2011), Tele-Present Wind, David Bowen (2010), The Egg Of Columbus, group exhibition (2010).
She studied sociology, art history and cultural management at Moscow State University and The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, Moscow. Author of publications in Russia and abroad. She teaches at Open School MediaArtLab. In 2011, a jury member at Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria. In 2014, she has become a laureate of public prize "Cariatida" for the achievements of female in the field of contemporary art.





Poet, theorist (art, urbanology, literature) and translator, awarded by the Romanian Writers' Union in 1996 for the The Art of Consumption volume, author of numerous essays, among which Me – The Artist / The Ego of the Artist, Life after survival, A Barcode for the Monstrous Future of Art and Deconstruction. For an Ethical Architecture. He is the co-author of the Performing History project, which represented Romania at the Venice Art Biennale (June-November 2011) and the curator of the Fluence international architecture exhibition (Timisoara, October 2011). He is the Idea Art + Society magazine's editor, the Arhitext Design magazine’s regular contributor, he writes columns for LiterNet ("Middle Media"), Morning Star ("Policy Bartleby") and he is a broadcaster at Radio Romania Cultural ("Where do we stop in Bucharest"). 



Călin Dan (Romania)

Currently the General Director of the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Bucharest, Calin Dan is one of the most important Romanian artists, constantly present on the contemporary artistic scene, being also a complex artist, internationally recognized. Calin Dan is a prominent representative of the ‘80s generation in the visual arts field, approaching this phenomenon theoretically, because of his core formation as an art historian, a domain in which he became the Romanian artistic field’s decisive critic of his generation and the curator of important Romanian art exhibitions held in the country and abroad. Subsequently, Calin Dan has expressed himself as a visual artist, both individually and in groups, with the subREAL Group, thus joining the Romanian artistic experiment both theoretically and practically, equally on Romanian ground and abroad, succeeding in understanding the contemporary artistic phenomenon and the relationship between biometrics and art in its complexity. 




Literary critic and historian, writer, professor, but also art critic and political analyst, Ion Bogdan Lefter has managed to distance himself from other critics since the early 80s through the interdisciplinary dimension of its activity manifested in all the cultural areas and by constantly analyzing the cultural and political phenomena seen in its whole complexity, not as isolated phenomena, but integrated in a series of global social phenomena. 




Sociologist, writer, professor and one of the best known activist in the women's movement in Romania, Laura Grünberg has a bachelors in mathematics and her most recent studies were devoted to studies gender, education and especially body sociology. 




Historian, art critic and well-known curator in Romania and abroad, member of the International Association of Art Critics, Liviana Dan has been constantly involved in contemporary art projects promoting Romanian contemporary art both locally and internationally. Liviana Dan has displayed extensive work in the Brukental Museum in Sibiu and has coordinated the Museum of Contemporary Art as its interim general manager, she has held numerous exhibitions of foreign and Romanian artists well-known at international level, has organized Romanian contemporary art exhibitions in galleries and museums in the country and has coordinated the Romanian contemporary art program held in ​​important cultural and artistic centers abroad, helping to promote Romanian art abroad. 




Associate Professor, Ph.D. at the Philosophy Department of Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, executive editor at the Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, project director of the research project „Ethical expertise and social action. An interdisciplinary approach of applied ethics” (2009-2011), Mihaela Frunză is author of numerous relevant scientific papers for ethics and gender studies (Ideologie şi feminism, Feţele toleranţei, Gender and the (Post) East/West Divide, Expertiza etică și acțiune socială, etc.). Since 2009 she has been member of the ELPAT group (Ethics, Legal and Psychosocial Aspects of Organ Transplantation) and she participates at the projects, conferences and publications of the group. During the Theoretical Workshop, Mihaela Frunză will approach the topic of imagery and identity from the perspective of contemporary bioethics.


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The Official Website of the Biennial of Young Artists (Bienala Tinerilor Artisti), Bucharest, Romania © META Cultural Foundation 2014

The Bucharest Biennial - Biennial of Young Artists - Art is Always Somewhere Else (Arta este intotdeauna in alta parte)

last update: 23.09.2014

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