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This is not a discourse, but a starting point. It’s one of the possible issues having as center Identities and Visual Codes. Images of Violence / Violence of Images. There are invited artists and curators to join us with other discourses, following perspectives / common points / levels / sections:


  • stereotypes, cliches

  • non-conformis

  • value and sign

  • double, equivoque, multifunctional, uncertain, alternativ

  • protest, irony and ludens

  • historical perspectives and concept archeology


The recent focus on identity was used as a means of resolving cultural and political dilemmas. But identity is as much a problem as it is a solution when it comes to contexts and regions with poor practices of dialogue and communication, where the ethnical identity still makes the rule, or, in the extremes, the religion.


What identities explores/reinvents/offers the artist? What’s the nature of these identities?

How particular are these marks in relation to the specific culture? Did the violence become an identity card for the South-Eastern Europe? Is this mark imposed or self-promoted?The exhibition targets to deconstruct the already well-known clichés when it comes to the artists from the Zone, relating identity to violence and representations/icons. All over the world artists must create in the field of the image, of the visual, over-activated, over-solicited by the image industry.


We refer to the violence of images, to the delirium of the visual, as an excessive medium of the contemporary world, in an already classic sense.The violence of the environment, visual and not only, make us point to the Images of Violenceas an active back force of the Violence of Images.



Maria Manolescu / Romelo Pervolovici



Images of Violence, Biennial of Young Artists, Art is always somewhere else, meta cultural foundation, meta, 1st edition, 2004,Bienala Tinerilor Artisti, Bucuresti, Romania, Bienala de tineret, Bienala Bucuresti

2004 - IMAGES OF VIOLENCE / VIOLENCE OF IMAGES - 1st Edition of The Biennial of Young Artists, Bucharest

previous editions

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© 2014 META Cultural Foundation


61-63 Luigi Galvani street,

district 2, Bucharest, Romania


T: +40 723 154 052

T: +40 723 218 489

The Official Website of the Biennial of Young Artists (Bienala Tinerilor Artisti), Bucharest, Romania Â© META Cultural Foundation 2014

The Bucharest Biennial - Biennial of Young Artists - Art is Always Somewhere Else (Arta este intotdeauna in alta parte)

last update: 23.09.2014

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