For an artist, his art is the most personal belonging. It represents his ideals, concepts, thoughts, something far beyond his identity. This intimacy is often exposed to the unknown public – in a space, a gallery or a museum.
By looking at the artist’s work, the viewer can interact with the artist’s personal thoughts. But who is this viewer for the artist and why does the artist share such a personal belonging without receiving in return a similar personal asset?
These are the questions that arise in the Bio-pass Art Biennial.
Can your biometric features become a “currency”, a form of personal identification towards the artist?
Biometric identifiers are unique and measurable traits to describe individuals. It is the most conveniently available characteristic that belongs to each and every person while being different at the same time (from one individual to another). It is also free which makes it accessible without regards of one’s social status.
By giving the artist your personal biometric traits in order to view his work, you connect at a personal level of intimacy. You are no longer the unknown visitor in a space, a gallery, or a museum, viewing the artist’s works. You become part of a system; a digitalized system that identifies you as an individual, as a viewer, as a participant to the Biennial. You “bio-pass” to have access to art.
The sensor represents the interface between the real world and the system. Once the sensor reads your biometric trait, your entity in the real space is processed and this trait becomes a digital template - which can then be used for verification and identification.
The “viewing an exhibition experience” changes. It becomes a personal experience; you become part of the exhibition itself. You are the trigger for the artist, for the artwork. Art does not exist without you (the viewer). And no other viewer can see the artwork accessed by your biometric identity. As the biometric identifiers are unique for each individual, so is the viewing experience. Personal.
Can biometric authentication also represent a method of control? If yes, by who? Is it worth paying the price? Even if it is for free. Is art viewing compulsory?
Radu Pervolovici
Biennial of Young Artists Director
2014 - 2015 - BIO-PASS ART - 6th Edition of The Biennial of Young Artists, Bucharest

Bio-pass Art will be organised in four main events scheduled starting October this year throughout July-October 2015 - the main exhibition , portfolio review workshop, art critique workshop, and the theoretical symposium.
Bio-pass Art, 6th edition (schedueled for 2015)
This event is focused on young artists and art students from Romania and abroad. The participants are offered the opportunity to present their artist portfolio in front of a commission of well-known art critics and art historians. The workshop gives the participants the chance to present their works of art outside the academic environment, with a special focus on non-formal education. The aim is to guide young artists based on their portfolios through open discussions and debates.
SECTION 3 – ART CRITIQUE WORKSHOP (schedueled for 2015)
This event is addressed to both young curators and art critics from Romania, as well as other countries in Europe. It is going to be coordinated by a well-known art critic. The central theme of this workshop will overlap with the generic theme of the current Biennial edition: biometrics. At the end of the workshop, the texts written by the young critics will be published with the help of META Cultural Foundation on various offline and online platforms.
The theoretical symposium aims to bring together researchers from various fields that proved to acknowledge the importance of biometrics in today’s society. This pluridisciplinary event will have side themes related to biometrics - biotechnology, bioethics, bioarts, biometrics, infomedicine issues, identity interface, posthuman condition, transhumanism, technological spiritualism, transgenic body, cyberfeminism etc. The main objective is to encourage an international dialogue on different aspects of biometrics thus familiarizing the audience with the main theme of the Bio-pass Art exhibition. The theoretical and analytical research studies presented in the symposium will be published in a special edition of Caietele META – that will be available either in a printed or an online version before the official opening of the Biennial.