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The Biennial of Young Artists is the first regular event in the visual arts scene in Bucharest aimed to present and promote the creation of young artists in regional and European context.



The Biennial of Young Artists is one of the first periodic visual-art manifestations specifically addressed to the young Romanian and foreign artists. During the 4 editions that took place so far, the project reunited more than 250 artists from around the world, as well as curators and art critics. The project aims to promote young artists’ creation, to establish international cooperation networks, and to help develop the Romanian cultural scene.Since one of the main goals is to establish both international and local partnerships as well as involving Romanian art in local and global projects, the Biennial of Young Artists aims to increase Romania’s visibility on the contemporary cultural scene. META Cultural Foundation organizes the Biennial of Young Artists since 2004.


META Cultural Foundation is one of he first private non-governmental organizations in Romania that promotes visual art. It was founded in 1995 and ever since it was involved in various projects, contemporary art exhibitions, sculpture symposia as well as interdisciplinary symposia. Today, the foundation promotes alternative contemporary art, inter/trans/multi/pluri/disciplinary dialogues, unconventional exhibiting locations, and experimental orientations.The main goals of the foundations are: to promote Romanian contemporary art both locally and internationally; to establish European cooperation networks in the cultural field, that would lead to a better representation of Romanian contemporary art internationally; to familiarize the Romanian public with the changes that take place on the contemporary cultural artistic scene; to offer young artists the opportunity to express and to help them exhibit their works and show them to the public.The foundation organized contemporary art exhibitions, sculpture symposiums, interdisciplinary symposiums, workshops, that reunited artists, art critics, managers, mathematicians, literates, anthropologists, biologists from Romania, Serbia, Czech Republic, Poland, UK, the Netherlands, USA etc. At the same time, META publishing house undertook a diverse publicist activity (albums, translations, META Cahiers, “A century of Romanian sculpture” dictionary etc.)


Previous editions of the project:


1st edition – 2004 – Biennial of Young Artists – Images of Violence / Violence of Images


2nd edition – 2006 – Biennial of Young Artists – Absent Without Leave


3rd edition – 2008 – Biennial of Young Artists – Re-construction


4th edition – 2010 – Biennial of Young Artists – Police the Police


5th edition – 2012 – Biennial of Young Artists – Overlapping Biennial



Aims and Objectives:


  • To become an important platform of communication and cooperation between both local and international art scenes;

  • To promote the art of contemporary young artists by offering them the opportunity to express in an international context;

  • To establish a cooperation network at European level offering both the artists and local cultural entities the possibility of becoming actively involved in regional cooperation programmes;

  • To increase the awareness of local population towards new practices in contemporary art;

  • To stir up reactions and discussions among experts, as well as in mass-media both at local level and European level;

  • To stimulate active involvement of volunteers;

  • To acquaint the general public, as well as experts from various fields on topics and recent problems related to society (theoretical symposium section);

  • To establish partnerships with local/regional/international cultural institutions;

  • To obtain financial aid from public and private sectors;

  • To promote partner institutions, sponsors and media partners through publications, the event’s website and on-line newsletters.





META Cultural Foundation has been active in visual arts field since 1995. It is one of the first Romanian private organizations that focuses on both the local contemporary art scene and the international one. While expressing an interest for the three dimensional object in its first years, today it is mostly directed towards recent alternative contemporary art and experimental directions, aiming to generate an inter/trans/multi/pluridisciplinary dialogue inside the unconventional cultural spaces.


META Cultural Foundation intends to promote Romanian contemporary art, both locally and internationally, to establish regional and European networks of cooperation in the cultural field, that will lead to a better representation of Romanian contemporary art, to open Romanian cultural environment towards the changes and evolutions that permanently take place on the contemporary art scene, to support young talented artists, to promote national cultural values on local, regional, and international art scene.


During the past 18 years of cultural activity, META Cultural Foundation organised numerous contemporary art exhibitions, sculpture symposiums, interdisciplinary symposiums, workshops that brought together artists, curators, art critics and art historians, managers, mathematicians, literates, anthropologists, biologists from Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Czech Republic, Poland, Croatia, Estonia, Great Britain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, Greece, Israel, Australia, Singapore, China, USA etc. With the help of META Publishing House, the Foundation had also an important editorial activity (art albums and catalogues, translations, Caietele META, A Century of Romanian Sculpture. A – D, dictionary, volume I, 2001), and recently has released the first bilingual encyclopedia dedicated to Romanian sculpture – A Century of Romanian Sculpture, an extended version of the printed dictionary, available at


Since 2004, META Cultural Foundation regularly organises The Biennial of Young Artists, one of the most important cultural events on the Romanian contemporary visual arts scene. One of the Biennial’s objectives is to develop international partnerships, thus involving Romanian art in international art projects.


More info on:

META Cultural Foundation

previous editions

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© 2014 META Cultural Foundation


61-63 Luigi Galvani street,

district 2, Bucharest, Romania


T: +40 723 154 052

T: +40 723 218 489

The Official Website of the Biennial of Young Artists (Bienala Tinerilor Artisti), Bucharest, Romania © META Cultural Foundation 2014

The Bucharest Biennial - Biennial of Young Artists - Art is Always Somewhere Else (Arta este intotdeauna in alta parte)

last update: 23.09.2014

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